By using the website www.schusterhotel.ro (hereinafter also referred to as schusterhotel.ro), you implicitly agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use below. For the best use of the site, we recommend that you read the Terms and Conditions of Use carefully. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use, do not use the Site. Www.schusterhotel.ro reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice. The current version of the Terms and Conditions of Use is always available on the site. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site after the Terms and Conditions of Use have changed constitutes your acceptance of those changes and the new Terms and Conditions of Use.
General information
By website we mean the collection of information obtained by accessing the web address www.schusterhotel.ro. This website is the property of TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL (hereinafter called TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL) which maintains and manages it:
All prices displayed on the website are in RON or EURO and include specific VAT
Collection of personal information
Www.schusterhotel.ro applies the highest standards in the confidential treatment of customers. All information (including, but not limited to, information related to the customer’s account, transactions, correspondence) is used with the utmost discretion. The only personal information collected by Www.schusterhotel.ro are those voluntarily provided by the user, when making transactions or in other operations. Simply browsing the site does not involve the collection of personal information. Certain functionalities or services on the site require the provision of certain personal information; this information will be used only for the purpose for which it was provided and/or for communications between the site and its customers, when necessary (for example: order confirmation, announcement of holiday programs, discounts, promotions).
Www.schusterhotel.ro will not disclose personal information of users collected on the site to any unauthorized third party. This information may, however, be disclosed to authorities authorized to verify commercial transactions, only upon their justified request. Www.schusterhotel.ro may provide to competent persons collective information and statistics regarding the number, profile or other characteristics of its users, for the purpose of statistical analysis of its users. This information will not include personally identifiable data.
All search functions offered by Www.schusterhotel.ro are made available to users in order to enhance the functionality of the site. Www.schusterhotel.ro does not collect personal information as a result of search operations, but may keep and analyze the history of searches made, in order to identify the interests of customers and improve the services offered to them.
Hyperlinks and other websites
Www.schusterhotel.ro may include links to other websites, whether or not owned by TOP LOFT HOTELS and TOP LOFT HOTELS cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the content of these websites.
Www.schusterhotel.ro and its suppliers do not assume responsibility for typing errors due to human error or display devices regarding prices, product features or images. In the event that an order cannot be honored due to such errors, Www.schusterhotel.ro reserves the right to cancel the order and to notify the customer as soon as possible about the error.
Use of the website by persons under 18
Www.schusterhotel.ro is not intended for persons under 18 years of age. Although they cannot be prevented, they do not have the right to send or post information on Www.schusterhotel.ro, of whatever nature. Any such operation will be executed through the minor’s legal representative. Purchase transactions produced by minors will be canceled immediately.
Client user registration, password and site behavior
By registering on the site you will be asked to choose a username (e-mail address) and a password. You are responsible for the safekeeping of your password as a user of the Www.schusterhotel.ro website, any activity carried out under your username being entirely your responsibility.
You are fully aware that any information, data, text, photos, graphics, etc. contained on this site are the responsibility of the person/entity from which it originates. Under these conditions we cannot in any way, directly or indirectly, be held responsible for the content of the site including, but not limited to, truncated, incomplete or incorrect information or for any consequences of their use.
Promotions and competitions
We set our own rules for the promotions and contests we organize. These rules are made known to potential participants only through our website or other means of public or private communication. The promotions benefit only those orders that comply exactly with the rules posted on the site. The promotions also apply only to orders that are registered during the period of time in which the promotion is valid and only within the limit of available stock. We do not guarantee stock availability of products for the promotion and we may interrupt or cancel it at any time without prior notice.
Product prices
The prices are displayed on the website in lei, namely: LEI (RON) with VAT (or/and EURO by conversion at our own exchange rate calculated according to the formula BNR + x% where x is a variable percentage notified periodically)
Property reserve
The ordered products remain the property of TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL until full payment is received.
You can pay for the ordered serirs:
1. Cash at reception (individual customers);
Cash payment is made at reception
2. Bank transfer to our account (legal entities or individual clients);
The necessary data for payment by bank transfer are the following:
Bank: ….
Unique registration code: …..
3. Online by bank card (Visa, Visa Electronic, MasterCard and Maestro);
You can pay online with your personal or company card, in complete security. Cards accepted for payment are VISA, VISA ELECTRONIC, MAESTRO and MASTERCARD.
No additional transaction fees are charged. To complete the transaction correctly, you must provide the card code (all digits in the four groups on the front of the card, without spaces), the expiry date and the last three digits on the back of the card inscribed on the signature strip (depending on the card, they may be missing).
Whatever currency you have in your account, transactions are made in lei, at the exchange rate displayed on www.schusterhotel.ro
Personal data
On the website www.schusterhotel.ro, the user is responsible for all activities that occur by accessing the account and personal password. TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL can not be held responsible for errors arising from the user’s negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password.
The user’s personal data may be used by Www.schusterhotel.ro and its suppliers, only for the stated purpose of this website. The information in the registration account, as well as the data in the order form will be used to send the user order confirmations, information about possible promotions, etc.
Personal data may, however, be transmitted to authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions or other authorities entitled to carry out any justified checks under the law, if so requested in accordance with the laws in force.
Information security
TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL guarantees the security and confidentiality of data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL does not assume responsibility for loss of information caused by any defects or errors in the software with which the site is designed and hosted and does not guarantee that the site, server/servers or emails sent by www.schusterhotel.ro do not contain viruses or other harmful components. Also, TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL is not responsible for any malfunctions that jeopardize the security of the server on which the site is hosted. We guarantee security and confidentiality, but we do not guarantee software security or stability.
Disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability
TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL does not offer any guarantee to users regarding the availability of its services, the accuracy of the information published or the security of its services.
The content of the website (texts, product descriptions, technical characteristics, images, symbols) is the property of TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL and its partners and has been compiled in collaboration with the suppliers of the products presented. The images are presented on the site by way of example, and the products actually delivered may differ from the images in any way (color, accessories, appearance, etc.).
Comments, Communications and Other Data/Information
Persons accessing/visiting the site may make comments and any other communications; they may send e-mails, transmit suggestions, ideas, questions or other information, as long as their content is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, does not disturb in any way the privacy of others, does not infringe intellectual property rights, does not contain viruses, texts targeting various promotional campaigns, chain letters, mass e-mails or any other form of spam. Persons who use a false e-mail address or send electronic messages or any other communication in the name of another natural or legal person or in the name of any other entity will be penalized in accordance with the laws in force. Www.schusterhotel.co.uk has the right (but not the obligation) to remove any such content identified on the site.
How to know if your credit card information is secure
To be sure that you have accessed our security server, before entering your private financial information, check the bottom left corner of your browser. If you see an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending on which browser you have), then the SSL system is active. To repeat the security system check, look at the URL or location line of your browser. If you have accessed a security server, the first characters in the address should change from “http” to “https”.
Certain versions of browsers and certain firewalls do not allow communication through the security servers we use to process orders at the store. If you are unable to access the security server for any reason, please e-mail your order to secretariat@schusterhotel.ro
Special provisions
If any of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid for any reason whatsoever, that clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses. With the purchase and launch of the order, the customer accepts without objection the conditions and terms of use, their value being the same as a valid contract concluded.
About Www.schusterhotel.ro
Product images are for presentation purposes only! There may be some differences between the picture and the reserved room! We recommend reading these terms and conditions carefully. We assume the right to make changes to these terms and conditions without further notice, therefore we recommend you to check for updates. Product images are for presentation purposes only. The products are made partly automatically and partly manually and there may be some differences between the images and the products ordered and received.
Any natural or legal person, who orders and purchases products through this website – hereinafter referred to as Customer.
Personal Data Security:
Personal data will be used only for the stated purpose of this website. Data provided by you will be used only for purposes related to the marketing of products and services offered by us, in order to facilitate communication between us; order processing; for announcements related to new products and/or services; information related to holiday program; price discounts; promotions. By using our website you accept this privacy policy.
Data is stored in databases on a secure server. Registered customer passwords are encrypted using encryption algorithms. At the same time, all website activity is automatically tracked and stored for record keeping.
We are against SPAM of any kind, we understand it and we fight against it, that’s why we will not use your information except in strict connection with this site.
You can contact us and ask us to modify your data as well as to delete it permanently from our database.
For more information about our privacy policy please contact us.
The content of the www.schusterhotel.ro website has been prepared with great care in order to ensure the correct input of data and the accuracy of information. However, errors are not impossible. Therefore, TOP LOFT HOTELS SRL assumes no responsibility for printing or display errors, in terms of price, characteristics, images, etc. In the event that the price of the product or some of its characteristics have been incorrectly entered in our databases or wrongly displayed, and the delivery has not yet been made, the Supplier reserves the right to cancel the delivery of the product and to notify the customer as soon as possible about the error. Also, the images of the products are presented on the website by way of example, and the products delivered may differ from the images in any way, due to changes in characteristics, design, without any prior notice by the manufacturers.
Disputes: any dispute arising between Customers and Supplier will be resolved by institutionalized arbitration conducted by the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov, according to the rules and procedures of this court, resolved by a single arbitrator appointed by the President of the Court.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the customer assumes full responsibility.
Romanian legislation on e-commerce:
– Electronic Commerce Law – 365/2002
– Regulation no. 4/2002 of the NBR regarding the transactions carried out by means of electronic payment instruments and the relations between the participants in these transactions
– Order 16/2003 of the MCTI on the procedure for the approval of remote access payment instruments, such as Internet-banking or home-banking applications – Electronic Signature Law – 429/2001
– Technical and methodological norms of December 13, 2001 for the application of Law no. 455/2001 on electronic signature
– Law 51/2003 for the approval of Government Ordinance no. 130/2000 on the legal regime of distance contracts
– Ordinance 130/2000 on the legal regime of distance contracts
– Government Decision no. 1308 of 11/20/2002 on the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law 365/2002 on e-commerce
– Law 193/2000 on unfair terms between traders and consumers;
– Law 8/1996 on copyright and related rights
– Provisions on Preventing and Combating Cybercrime (Title III of Law 161 of April 19, 2003 on some measures to ensure transparency in the exercise of public office, public functions and in the business environment, prevention and punishment of corruption – Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 279 of April 21, 2003)
– Law on preventing and combating pornography – 196/2003 published in the Official Gazette No. 342 / May 20, 2003